.. _guide_cuckiecutter: Setting up a new WPS ==================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 If you are familiar with all the upper chapters you are ready to create your own WPS. The WPS in birdhouse are named after birds, so this section is giving you a guidline of how to make your own bird. Birds are sorted thematically, so before setting up a new one, make sure it is not already covered and just missing some processes and be clear in the new thematic you would like to provide. There is a Cookiecutter_ template to create a new bird (PyWPS application). It is the recommended and fastest way to create your own bird: .. gittoctree:: https://github.com/bird-house/cookiecutter-birdhouse.git docs/source/dev_guide.rst .. gitinclude:: https://github.com/bird-house/cookiecutter-birdhouse docs/source/dev_guide.rst