.. _publications: Publications ============ .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. _presentations: Talks and articles ------------------ Articles, book sections and conference proceedings and presentations related to the birdhouse projects: 2019: * `WPS Deployment at CORDEX Copernicus Workshop, Copenhagen `_ * `UN GIS Initiative Workshop at FOSS4G Bucharest `_ 2018: * `Birdhouse in ISPRS photogrammetry and remote-sensing `_ :cite:`ehbrecht2018` * `FOSS4G 2018 in Dar-Es-Salaam `_ * `Open Climate GIS and Birdhouse at Pangeo Developer Workshop, 2018 `_ * `IGARSS 2018 `_ * `D-GEO Days, 2018 `_ * `GIZ Fachtagung, 2018 `_ * `Copernicus/Birdhouse at EGU 2018, Vienna `_ * Flyingpigeon in Computes and Geosciences, January 2018 :cite:`hempelmann2018` 2017: * `Birdhouse in LSDMA book, 2017 `_ :cite:`Jung2017` * `UNCCC Subgroup 2017 in Kigali `_ 2016: * `AGU 2016 in San Francisco `_ * `ESGF F2F 2016 in Washington `_ * `FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn `_ * `EGI Workshop 2016 in Amsterdam `_ * `EGU 2016 in Vienna `_ * `ICRC-CORDEX 2016 `_ * Model Animation LSCE * `Talk on USGS WebEx 2016/02/18 `_ 2015: * `Paris Coding Spring 2015 at IPSL `_ 2014: * `EGI Community Forum 2014 at Helsinki `_ * Prag * Optimization of data life cycles :cite:`Jung2014` 2013: * Gerics Hamburg User-Developer Workshop .. _bib_publications: References ---------- .. bibliography:: bib_publications.bib