.. _wps_tutorial: Wordcounter Example =================== .. todo:: The WPS tutorial needs to be updated. In the following we show an example with a `Word Counter` function which is enabled as a web-service using WPS. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Defining a `Word Counter` function ---------------------------------- In the following example we will use the `Word Counter` function:: def count_words(file): """Calculates number of words in text document. Returns JSON document with occurrences of each word. """ return json_doc This Python function has the following parts: * a `name` or `identifier`: count_words * a `description`: Calculates number of words ... * `input parameters`: file (mime type `text/plain`) * `output parameters`: json_doc (mime type `application/json`) Now, we would like to run this function remotely using a simple web-service. To get this web-service we can use WPS. The function parts (name, parameters) are all we need to know to define a WPS process. WPS definition of `Word Counter` -------------------------------- To add a new proccess you need to define the input and output parameters. For the `Word Counter` process this looks like the following. .. image:: ../_images/WpsInOut.png Here is another example for a `Text Generator` process. We will use it later for chaining processes. .. image:: ../_images/WpsTextGenerator.png There are two types of input/output parameters: * Literal Parameters (green): these are simple data types like integer, boolean, string, ... * Complex Parameters (yellow): these are documents with a mime-type (xml, cvs, jpg, netcdf, ...) provided as URL or directly. An input/output parameter has: * a name or `identifier` * a descriptive `title` * an `abstract` giving a description of the parameter * `multiplicity` ... how often can this parameter occur: optional, once, many ... * in case of literal parameters a list of `allowed values`. For more details see the following `WPS Tutorial`_. .. _chaining_WPS: Chaining WPS processes ---------------------- If you know the input/output parameters of processes you can chain processes. For example we will chain a `Text Generator` process to our `Word Counter` process. .. image:: ../_images/WpsChain.png The `Text document` output of the `Text Generator` process becomes the input of `Word Counter` process. You can chain process manually by calling them one after the other. The WPS specification allows you to also chain process with a single WPS request. To get even more flexibility (using if-clauses, loops, monitoring ...) you can also use a :term:`workflow engine ` (:term:`Taverna`, :term:`VisTrails`, :term:`Dispel4py`, ...). You will find more details about chaining in the `GeoProcessing document `_ and the `GeoServer Tutorial `_. WPS process implementation with PyWPS ------------------------------------- There are several WPS implementations available (:term:`GeoServer`, :term:`COWS`, ...). In birdhouse, we use the Python implementation :term:`PyWPS`. In `PyWPS` the `Word Counter` process could look like the following: .. literalinclude:: wps_word_counter.py :language: python :emphasize-lines: 8,16,24,32 :linenos: You can see the definition of the input and output parameters and the ``execute()`` method where the real ``count_words()`` function is called. You will find more details about implementing a WPS process in the `PyWPS Tutorial `_. Using WPS --------- A WPS service has three operations: * `GetCapabilities`: which processes are available * `DescribeProcess`: what are the input and output parameters of a specific process * `Execute`: run a process with parameters. The following diagram shows these operations: .. image:: ../_images/wps_usage.png To call these process one can use simple HTTP request with key/value pairs: * `GetCapabilites` request:: http://localhost:8094/wps?&request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS&version=1.0.0 * `DescribeProcess` request for `wordcount` process:: http://localhost:8094/wps?&request=DescribeProcess&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&identifier=wordcount * `Exceute` request:: http://localhost:8094/wps?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&identifier=wordcount &DataInputs=text=http://birdhouse.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html A process can be run `synchronously` or `asynchronously`: * sync: You make a HTTP request and you need to wait until the request returns with a response (or timeout). This is only useful for short-running processes. * async: You make a HTTP request and you get immediately a response document. This document gives you a link to a status document which you need to poll until the process has finished. Processes can be run with simple HTTP get-requests (as shown above) and also with HTTP post-requests. In the later case XML documents are exchanged with the communication details (process, parameters, ...). For more details see the following `WPS Tutorial`_. There are also some `IPython notebooks `_ which show the usage of WPS. Calling `Word Counter` with Birdy --------------------------------- Now, we are using Birdy_ wps command line client to access the `wordcount` process. Which proccess are available (`GetCapabilities`):: $ birdy -h usage: birdy [-h] [] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit command: List of available commands (wps processes) {chomsky,helloworld,inout,ultimatequestionprocess,wordcount} Run "birdy -h" to get additional help. What input and output parameters does `wordcount` have (`DescribeProcess`):: $ birdy wordcount -h usage: birdy wordcount [-h] --text [TEXT] [--output [{output} [{output} ...]]] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --text [TEXT] Text document: URL of text document, mime types=text/plain --output [{output} [{output} ...]] Output: output=Word count result, mime types=text/plain (default: all outputs) Run `wordcount` with a text document (`Execute`):: $ birdy wordcount --text http://birdhouse.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html Execution status: ProcessAccepted Execution status: ProcessSucceeded Output: output=http://localhost:8090/wpsoutputs/emu/output-37445d08-cf0f-11e4-ab7e-68f72837e1b4.txt .. _WPS Tutorial: http://wiki.ieee-earth.org/Documents/GEOSS_Tutorials/GEOSS_Provider_Tutorials/Web_Processing_Service_Tutorial_for_GEOSS_Providers/Section_2:_Introduction_to_WPS .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#what_is_wps] What is WPS? - http://geoprocessing.info/wpsdoc/Concepts#what