.. _pywps_installation: Installation ============ Requirements ------------ See :ref:`prepare`. Activate the conda workshop enviroment: .. code-block:: bash $ source activate workshop Aim --- We are going to install *PyWPS* and run some example processes. Objectives: * You will learn how to install `PyWPS`_, start a WPS service and execute a process. Install PyWPS ------------- You can install PyWPS via conda. Make sure you install PyWPS from the *birdhouse* conda channel. We also need the *conda-forge* channel, and the channels must be provided in the displayed order (channel priority): .. code-block:: bash $ conda install -c birdhouse -c conda-forge pywps gdal Let's see if this has worked: .. code-block:: bash $ python -c "import pywps" This bash command will load the pywps library and close the console. If the install was properly done *no error messages* will appear. Start the demo WPS service -------------------------- This workshop includes a demo service with some example processes. Let's try them. Start the service by running the following command: .. code-block:: bash # change to workshop root folder $ cd ~/birdhouse-workshop/ # start demo service $ python demo/demo.py If everything went well you should have a console output as follows: .. code-block:: bash Configuration file(s) ['demo/default.cfg'] loaded starting WPS service on http://localhost:5000/wps * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) .. warning:: If you need to start the service on a different port then 5000, you must edit the port in the PyWPS configuration ``demo/default.cfg``:: [server] url = http://localhost:5001/wps outputurl = http://localhost:5001/outputs Service check ------------- To test the service, open your internet browser to this address: Alternatively, you can also try ``curl``: .. code-block:: bash $ curl "" You will get an XML exception report by the PyWPS service: .. code-block:: xml service The good thing ... the service is running and talking to you :) Test PyWPS ---------- Test the WPS service itself using a **GetCapabilities** request; insert this address in your browser: .. code-block:: bash $ curl "" In the **GetCapabilities** XML document notice the following: * Abstract describing service * Service provider * Process Offerings (Title, Abstract, Metadata) Say hello --------- We can run now our first process. The **GetCapabilities** XML document tells us that this WPS serivce has a process with identifier ``say_hello``. Please find this description in the document. It should look like this: .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 2 say_hello Process Say Hello Now, we need some more details about this process. Therefore we do a **DescribeProcess** request; insert this address in your browser: .. code-block:: bash $ curl "" The resulting XML document tells us something about the *input* and *output* parameters, for example there is an input parameter ``name``: .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 2 name Input name string Let us now execute the ``say_hello`` process with an input parameter ``name`` *Birdy*: .. code-block:: bash $ curl "" If all went well, you get an output parameter with the value *Hello Birdy*: .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 6 response Output response Hello Birdy Exercise 1 ---------- Try the ``say_hello`` again with some other input values. Exercise 2 ---------- Before you fall into *sleep* ... let's do another exercise. Our service has another process. Which one is it? Please find it and run an execute request ... you need to know the input parameters. Links ----- * `PyWPS Workshop `_ * `PyWPS Flask Demo `_ * `Geoprocessing Info `_ .. _PyWPS: http://pywps.org/