.. _pywps_process: Processes ========= Requirements ------------ See :ref:`prepare`. Activate the conda workshop enviroment: .. code-block:: bash $ source activate workshop Aim --- We are going to write a PyWPS process. Objectives: * You will learn how to write a PyWPS process. What is a WPS Process? ---------------------- In PyWPS a process is a Python class that has the following structure: * The parent ``Process`` class. * Four input/ouput classes: ``ComplexInput``, ``LiteralInput``, ``ComplexOutput`` and ``LiteralOutput`` * The ``_handler(request, response)`` method * The ``request.inputs`` and the ``response.output`` properties. Go through the `PyWPS documentation on Processes `_. Create your first process ------------------------- Let's create a new process that generates a nice and simple plot from a NetCDF file. We have written a ``simple_plot`` function, which we can use here. We need to do the following: 1. write the PyWPS process definition, 2. call our ``simple_plot`` method, 3. activate our process in PyWPS. Check the plotter function -------------------------- Change into the tutorial ``processes`` folder: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/birdhouse-workshop/tutorials/10_pywps_process/processes You can find here the ``plotter.py`` module from our previous exercise: .. code-block:: bash $ ls plotter.py Let's see if it still works: .. code-block:: bash $ python plotter.py -h Generate a plot: .. code-block:: bash $ python plotter.py ../../../data/air.mon.ltm.nc -V air dataset=['../../../data/air.mon.ltm.nc'], variable=air Plotting ../../../data/air.mon.ltm.nc ... Using map projection Plot written to plot.png Output: plot.png Write the process definition ----------------------------- In the ``processes/`` folder there is another file: .. code-block:: bash $ ls wps_simple_plot.py This file contains the process definition. Notice the input and output parameters. Start the service ----------------- Change into the tutorials folder: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/birdhouse-workshop/tutorials/10_pywps_process Start the WPS service: .. code-block:: bash $ python ../../demo/demo.py Check if the service is running: .. code-block:: bash $ curl "" Notice that the ``simple_plot`` service is not activated. Well, time to exercise ... Exercise 1 ---------- Activate the ``SimplePlot`` process from the ``wps_simple_plot`` module. See if it shows up in the **GetCapabilites** request. .. tip:: You need to edit ``processes/__init__.py`` and restart the demo service. Exercise 2 ---------- When the ``SimplePlot`` process is activated then run a **DescribeProcess** request. .. tip:: Find the process ``identifier`` of ``SimplePlot`` in the **GetCapabilities** document and adapt the **DescribeProcess** URL from our previous exercise. Exercise 3 ----------- Run an **Execute** request with a remote netCDF file from a `Thredds data server `_. Use the following request URL. .. code-block:: bash Service=WPS& Request=Execute& Version=1.0.0& Identifier=PLOT_IDENTIFIER& DataInputs=variable=air;dataset=@xlink:href=NC_URL Or as a one-liner:;dataset=@xlink:href=NC_URL You need to replace **PLOT_IDENTIFIER** with the correct processes identifier. Replace **NC_URL** with a remote netCDF data file (HTTP, not OpenDAP), for example: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/thredds/fileServer/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/surface/air.mon.ltm.nc Notice that the output will be returned as reference, for example: .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 5 output Simple Plot Exercise 4 ---------- You can also run the process in `asynchronous mode `_ by adding the parameters ``storeExecuteResponse=true`` and ``status=true``. .. code-block:: bash Service=WPS& Request=Execute& Version=1.0.0& Identifier=PLOT_IDENTIFIER& DataInputs=variable=air;dataset=@xlink:href=NC_URL& storeExecuteResponse=true& status=true .. warning:: Asynchronous requests do not work on Windows. In this case you will a response, which tells you that the process has been accepted, and you need to poll the status document given by the **statusLocation** URL: .. code-block:: xml :emphasize-lines: 4,11 simple_plot Simple Plot Returns a nice and simple plot. PyWPS Process simple_plot accepted Exercise 5 ---------- You can also return the output directly. For this modify the above request and add the ``RawDataOutput`` parameter: .. code-block:: bash Service=WPS& Request=Execute& Version=1.0.0& Identifier=PLOT_IDENTIFIER& DataInputs=variable=air;dataset=@xlink:href=NC_URL& RawDataOutput=output .. warning:: Due to a bug in PyWPS it works currently only with Python 2.7. Links ----- * `PyWPS workshop `_ * `Geoprocessing Info `_ * `NOAA Thredds Catalog `_ * `Notebook with WPS requests `_